Geschreven door Matteo Ruberto | 7-8-20 5:09

Is your website getting traffic, but not making enough sales?

Are you using SEO, ADS & social media but still not growing as fast as you should be?

Frustrating right? I get it. I’ve been there.

Chances are, your website message is unclear and it is causing you to lose customers.

There are countless things we can do to improve your website, but for now, let's focus on the GRUNT TEST.

Imagine a guy wearing a bearskin T-shirt, sitting in a cave by a fire, with a laptop across his lap.

He’s looking at your website.

Would he be able to grunt exactly what you do just by looking at the homepage?

The caveman can be considered anyone who lands on your website and has never heard of your business before.

As a business owner or marketer, you might look at your website and be in love. You might think your message is clear, but do your potential customers know how you solve their problem?

When someone lands on your website, you have 5 seconds to answer these three questions:

  1. What do you offer?
  2. How will it make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?

If you're not answering these questions, you’re losing sales!

Luckily this is easy to fix.

It will cost you almost nothing - you can literally do this yourself.

Keep it clear and simple. Clarity in communication alway leads to more sales.

The response from your visitors will be almost immediate - you'll make more sales!

Could a caveman look at your website and immediately grunt what you offer?

Let me know down below!